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Sharing Files Using SURFdrive

SURFdrive enables you to share files and directories by using the web browser. Open and search for the file or directory you want to share. Move your cursor over the file or directory, so that a button showing ‘Share’ appears on the right. Once you have clicked this button, you can search for the users you want to share your file or directory with. The standard setting is that other users can only read the file or directory and not edit or delete it, or share it with others. If you want to allow other users to work in your file or directory, click the small triangle next to ‘Allow edit’. You can use this option to choose what individual users may do with your files or directories.

Individual members of staff may use SURFdrive free of charge.

More information
Read more on the SURF website.

Get in contact with the ICTS service desk

Sending Files Securely

Do you know how to send and receive files swiftly, safely and easily? By using SURFfilesender. The service is suitable for large files such as research data, as well as smaller files such as reports. The files are stored in the Netherlands and can be encrypted for additional security. Vouchers can be sent to people who do not work for the UvA or HvA allowing them to send files to UvA or HvA researchers.

Individual members of staff may use SURFfilesender free of charge.

More information
Read more on the SURF website.

Get in contact with the ICTS service desk

Sharing Data via UvA/HvA figshare

Projects in UvA/HvA figshare enables you to authorise other people to access one or more of the files that you have saved. These could be colleagues from the UvA or HvA, students or colleagues from other institutions in the Netherlands or abroad, or partners from social organisations or the business sector.

More information
Read more about UvA/HvA figshare.

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Sharing Files Using a Network Drive

If you want to share files with your direct colleagues, use the ‘public’ group directories (P-drive), which can be shared between selected groups of users. Every faculty and unit has its own P-drive and decides who will have access. The IT contact person will create or delete directories and allocate rights.

Individual members of staff may use the P-drive free of charge.

More information
Read more about UvA network drives.

Get in contact with your IT contact person within the facultty you work for.